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This podcast episode is all about we explore Mastering Customer Excellence: Insights and Strategies for Success.
What Customer Excellence is
Episode Transcript
In today’s episode we’re going to be talking all about what customer excellence is and how this is different to customer services, so stick around to find out exactly how they are different. You may be thinking great I know what customer service is that’s easy, but if you go back to episode 2 and have a listen then we can build on that knowledge for excellence.
Let me explain, customer excellence is all about being proactive. You must be thinking ahead, looking to the future to be the best you can be. And to remind you, customer services is all about being reactive. With customer excellence you need to think about what’s in the future, what can you do for the future in order to be successful with your customers.
You need both customer services and customer excellence to ensure you are looking into the future and preventing anything which could occur and negatively impact your customers and even your business as a whole.
Due to this, I am going to repeat this so it’s super super clear.
Customer services is all about being reactive and customer excellence is all about being proactive.
If you remember that line you have basically got it! There are many ways you can do this and you may be thinking what for so I will go into detail of how you could do this and why it’s recommended to gain a competitive advantage.
How to Implement Customer Excellence?
How you will implement customer excellence all depends on the type of business you are running. I have a few examples here that we can go through to help you think of your own.
Firstly I would start with thinking about how can you make your customers love you? And if you know they already love you, what have you done to know this or is this just something you believe?
If you have recent evidence, have a think about how your customers could love you more?
This exercise is to get you thinking about how to improve what your customer thinks of you as a business and how to increase positive word of mouth. But most importantly, it means that if anything does go drastically wrong, because you have worked on your customers feelings about your brand its alot easier to communciate an issue with a customer that loves you than a customer who is irritated by you as they are a lot more forgiving.
Proactiveness can help prevent a lot of issues. For instance, it is a smart idea to check all of your buttons on your website actually work. This is a proactive task, you are looking for issues which could impact your customers. And yes I mean on your computer, on a mobile and on a tablet! If you don’t have the time to do this yourself, have a look at using a virtual assistance on places like or even Upwork (just make sure you check the persons reviews first).
The reason I suggest that you do this task yourself, is that its smart to know exactly what your customer goes through in order to purchase from you. This means that if a customer asks a question about finding something on your website you actually know exactly where it is and how to purchase the item. This will make you look super knowledgeable!
Now for questions from your customers an (FAQ) frequently asked questions page is a smart idea and to always keep it up to date. Think about how you can make your customers lives easier, if you can think of a question – you can answer the questions without them having to waste time contacting you. If you are stuck for questions, lean on any feedback you have received in the past and look at how you can basically prevent another customer from contacting you about the same question or issue.
Think about what makes things smoother and easier going forward, so each time someone contacts you with a question you need to update your FAQ page with the question and the answer you provide. This would mean over time your FAQ page will evolve and then if a customer contacts with a question you have already asnwered you can point them to the FAQ page question and let them know if they need further assistance you are available to help out!
Standardised Customer Responses
For your frustrated customers do you have any example responses which you and your team could use on a day to day basis? Do you have them saved somewhere so you can easily use them, this is great to buy you some time whilst you think of your valuable response or solution.
For instance ‘Thanks for getting in touch and providing feedback. We take feedback seriously and we are going to look through this for you as soon as possible.’
You could use that exact line if you really wanted to. What this does is, it tells the customer you have received their message and you are thinking of them right now. Don’t leave them hanging because you don’t know what to say, because from the customers perspective it feels like they are being ignored or they could be wondering if the business has even received it.
To wrap up all in all what can you do as preventative action to help your business and your customer. Think about what could happen right now which you would need to tackle and how could you put things in place to prevent this or ease the impact on your customers and your business.
Have a little think, for example if you know that your contact page is really glitchy take the steps to fix it.
Question Time
William Settle – thank you for sending in your message on instagram– he asks when will I know that my customers are super happy with my service?
A great question William thank you, to measure this I would look at how many complaints you are receiving from your customers to start with and I would be requesting via email after each sale for feedback. This way you can track whether you are getting better or not or staying in the same place. If and when you make changes because of feedback note down the date and see if the complaints actually improve.
You want to know if what you are doing is actually working, whether it wasn’t required or is it now impacting your customers. So hopefully that helps, not all changes have positive results.
If anyone else wants to send in a question please send it to instagram. Be sure to please leave a review so I know what you think of my postcast episode and to help my podcast grow and help others. With each episode we learn more about our customers and how to manage them. Keep building the business you enjoy and love every day, be sure to listen to the up coming episodes to learn more.Β
Resources Mentioned
Thank You for Listening!
To start managing your customer experience, the first step is to understand your customers. Who are they? What do they want? This is where creating a *customer avatar* can be incredibly useful. A customer avatar helps you picture your ideal customer, so you can make decisions that suit their needs and preferences. To help you get started, Iβve put together a free customer avatar template. Just subscribe to my email list, and youβll get access to it straight away from your inbox.
More Tips for Learning About Customer Experiences
- 3 Reasons Why Customer Experience is So Important
- Why Good Customer Service Makes You Stand Out
- 5 Mistakes You Make With Frustrated Customers!